If you are thinking about getting sedation dentistry in Simpsonville from Dr. Lindsay Cash at Pearl Dental Studio, you may be wondering if it’s safe to be sedated during your treatment. In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about the safety of sedation dentistry.
Sedation Dentistry Is Very Safe For Patients Of All Ages
Overall, sedation dentistry is very safe for patients of all ages. As a rule, if you’re healthy, are not on any medications, and have no history of drug use, you can be sedated without any safety issues at Pearl Dental Studio.
However, there is always a risk of something going wrong when drugs are involved, and this includes prescription drugs, too. The team at Pearl Dental Studio takes a number of steps to ensure that patients remain safe and comfortable when they get sedation dentistry at our office in Simpsonville.
First, we will ask for your health history, and Dr. Cash may ask to discuss any past issues you’ve had with drug abuse, including prescription drug use, and risk factors like known drug allergies that may rule you out for sedation dentistry.
She may also discuss risk factors that may apply to your case. If you have sleep apnea, are obese or overweight, or are taking certain types of medications or supplements, these could cause adverse affects during sedation, so you will want to disclose all of this information before being sedated.
By discussing all of these things with Dr. Cash, you can ensure that sedation is right for you, and avoid any potential safety issues, negative side effects, or other such problems.
Risks & Side Effects Of Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide is the safest form of sedation at Pearl Dental Studio. It’s extremely rare for this type of sedation to cause any major side effects or health complications, so this is usually the preferred method of sedation for children.
The side effects of nitrous oxide are also very minor, and the sedation wears off within 5 minutes after your procedure. You may experience nausea, a headache, shivering, chills, confusion, or dizziness, but these side effects will wear off quickly.
Risks & Side Effects Of Oral Conscious Sedation
Overall, oral conscious sedation is a slightly more risky option compared to nitrous oxide, since it involves the use of prescription sedative pills, which can lead to complications with people who have certain medical conditions like sleep apnea.
Despite this, though, oral conscious sedation is still very safe. Serious complications and side effects are very rare, and are unlikely to occur in healthy individuals who have been approved for sedation by a qualified dentist or doctor.
Still, this method of sedation does have some more pronounced side effects. Your motor skills will be impaired for up to 4-6 hours or more, and you may feel confused, have dry mouth, or experience dizziness or nausea. Note that you cannot drive yourself home after being sedated with this method of sedation dentistry.
Contact Pearl Dental Studio To See If Sedation Dentistry Is Right For You
If you would like to explore the benefits and safety of sedation dentistry in Simpsonville in more detail, contact Pearl Dental Studio online or give us a call at 864-214-1440 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lindsay Cash. Dr. Cash can discuss your options for sedation, learn more about your health, and determine which method of sedation dentistry is right for your needs.